Sunday, May 18, 2014

Slicing a sample to a drum rack

In this tutorial you will learn to cut samples from a song and using them in the drum rack.

First, import the desired audio file to an audio track and double click it.

You will notice the sound waves from the sample in the Detail View.

To zoom and navigate through the waves, drag the top bar (when you see this icon) up, down, right and left.

Make sure the "Warp" option is on and double-click on the 4th bar to create markers. To delete a marker, simply double-click it. 

After creating your markers, right click the sound wave and select "Slice to new MIDI track".

Select the "Warp Marker" option and hit "OK".

Ableton will now generate a new MIDI track with a drum rack. In this drum rack you will find your sample divided by the markers you created earlier.

You can now connect your launchpad and use user 1 mode to control the drum rack!

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